The Social Impact
Social Network



An alternative to discord, twitter, doom scrolling, and the social media of today

A unique blend of founders, artists, influencers, devs, community organizers, entrepreneurs, investors, and other social impact obsessed do-gooders


Uphold Core Values

Be obsessed with social impact, personal growth, and healthy community building.


Enable a new kind of social networking

Fewer, deeper connections. Face-to-face meetings. Education and inspiration that goes somewhere.


Elevate Reliable Stakeholders

A social network where reliable and consistent contributors are elevated means a better experience for everyone.

App: only for HYYP HOLDERS


Original members will be able to mint commemorative NFT’s featuring a variety of characters and traits for free.

Politically Incorrect Pony
online host, influencer

Aping in with high spirits and refreshingly witty repartee

Nerdy Night Owl
dev, innovator, degen

Firestarter for better or for worse, always up-front

Politically Incorrect Pony
online host, influencer

Attention getting personality, yet focused on matters of substance

Hot Hyena
influencer, aesthetics enthusiast

Willing to burn it down to build it back right

Revolutionary Rat
social impact, social entrepreneur, organizer

Meticulous and detail oriented with anxious overtones

Tastemaker Toucan
designer, dev

(Investor Series)

VC Vulture
(Investor Series)


Illuminati Iguana

Can’t stop, won’t stop entrepreneur who is always innovating and creating

Tycoon Tiger
founder, innovator

Determination, self-improvement, financial success

Mo’ Money Moose
hustle culture coach, leadership


Founder: Creative Director, Operations, and Product

Nadeem Mazen

Award-winning designer, viral music video director, and social impact expert.
Founded Nimblebot.com in 2011 after directing a hit video for Grammy Award-Winning band OK Go.
Nadeem also directed and produced documentaries, including Silicon Prairie with CTA and Reddit.com co-founder Alexis Ohanian.
Oversaw the deployment of $2B in public funds in his role as a City Councillor in Cambridge, MA.
Former faculty at School of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston.

Founder: Creative Director & Operations

Suzan Choudry

Runs Nimblebot.com
Active internationally in North America, Europe, North Africa, and Asia
Portfolio of global design and marketing partnerships including brands like Mercedes, LG, PayPal, and Ogawa
Certified fashion designer and a painter



Nimblebot is owned by Nadeem and run by Suzan C, who creative-directs the HYYP Cartel NFT collection and art production alongside Nadeem. Nimblebot is providing creative support, artistic renderings, production, social media, engineering support, and media for this project. Nimblebot is an award-winning creative agency that works with big names like Paypal, Revlon, and MIT.

Community Action Team Lead


I’m Valentina, Team Leader of the HYYP CATs! 🐯 Every day I am blessed to facilitate community, culture, and human development. It’s my job to make sure we’re bringing all these amazing humans together for a good cause, aligning around real life, web2, and web3 impact! I’m a proud feminist, witch, and writer based in Argentina with a professional and academic background in Social Communications! I’m excited about all the new possibilities that web3 brings in terms of community building momentum, innovative collaboration, and tech-enabled social communication.

Community Activation Team:


I’m Mica, a young professional born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina 🧉My professional and academic background is in Social Communications. I’m a happy vegetarian who loves literature and the performing arts. I pride myself on being an advocate for a better and kinder society. Now I’m the proud Spokesperson of the HYYP Cartel team - a power team with the mission to bring people together based on their social impact vision for Web3.

Community Activation Team


I’m Mariana - a proud member of the HYYP Community Activation Team. I’m also the resident CAT in charge of recruitment, employee accountability paperwork, and employee actualization 🤯. Always on the lookout for people dedicated to social causes and movement organizing in Web3. I'm here to find people fighting for social change and projects committed to social impact. I get so much joy out of meeting our OG’s and helping to recruit our HYYP CATs.Other things about me? A hopeless bookworm📚! An avid cross fitter 💪!

Community Activation Team


Hi! I'm Nella, I'm 22 and I live in Argentina. I love cats, horror movies and spicy food. I'm studying to be a drama teacher and I'm a political activist. My journey in web3 is just beginning but I'm so excited to contribute all my knowledge about community organising and generating social impact by leading the Social Impact Department at HYYP Cartel.


Our Vision: What is HYYP 

HYYP  is the result of social impact, innovation, entrepreneurship, and art visionaries who are committed to changing the internet as we know it today. Our obligation is to use this collective benefit not just for our community benefit, but for social impact work. 

HYYP is a diverse, invite-only community with members from all over the world and from every walk of life. We’re built around one shared obsession: social impact. We bring together absolute gems of human beings in order to take collective action and grow this unique environment. We’re here to show that technology can support personal growth and collective impact. 

Our unique approach is highly dependent on members demonstrating RELIABILITY; almost everyone is capable of this key trait, but it can get a little rusty in today’s overcommitted, sometimes flaky online environment.

Our members are also: friendly, compassionate, cooperative, and committed to long term thinking.Our goal is to lead a shift towards a higher standard for transparency, trust, mutual support, well-being and self-regulation in fields like Web3, marketing, charity, entrepreneurship, and other fields.

Collective action? 

We think it’s about time that both technology and your fellow members are aligned around personal growth and collective action - and our aim is to provide the infrastructure that makes this possible. Having 10,000 followers on instagram is cool, having an endless feed on tiktok is engaging, having a bunch of connections on linked in feels opportune. HYYP features action. HYYP has already proven that having just a few dozen really collaborative, reliable people aligned around action can be more impactful than having millions of followers primarily aligned around scrolling. Now, as we grow, we are beginning to imagine what it will look like to have thousands of action-oriented members in our community and not just the hundreds we have today.

The HYYP App will be one of the first Social Impact Social Networks built for like-valued individuals - featuring lots of the communication and community features you’ve come to expect from a mobile first app - with innovative features that allow for collaboration, personal growth, and collective action.

What about a fundamental shift in human consciousness?

Revolutions are tough business. In order to have one that is constructive rather than destructive, the revolution must come from within each person. That is why the collective is dedicated to several ongoing initiatives aimed at each person and at the collective:

personal development, mutual education, conflict resolution, restorative justice, social and professional networking, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, and social impact. The collective seeks to empower and train the change-agents who will beneficially impact their local communities and the online/Web3 ecosystem.

Fundamental Pillars: Social Impact

We consider social impact a muscle - and like any other muscle - you must exercise it regularly to keep it in shape. There are 3 main early personal projects that we ask each member to keep track of for themselves - and that we hold regular group conversations regarding:

Impact with your hands, offline: the habit of showing up regularly in your offline community
Impact of any amount with your wallet: the habit of regularly scheduled generosity even if <$0.50/month
Effective altruism: dialing up your personal contributions and charitable contributions with an eye to efficacy.

The Future:

Our first HYYP community is centered around leaders in innovation and tech who have an obsession with social impact. In the future, we want to build out other communities - a network of networks. Each themed community will have a focus (leaders in marketing, college visionaries, leaders in effective altruism, social impact investors, personal growth experts, etc) and will also select for social impact interest or abilities.

One thing that is special about our approach is that early growth of each community/network is invite-only and each community/network has dedicated recruitment, project management, and community organizing personnel.